☆.。.:* all alone .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

seungmin laid on his bed, texting hyunjin the whole day and night. he couldn't get off his phone unless hyunjin told him to, to go to sleep.

"i'm going crazy" seungmin muttered, waking up and making his bed at 9:30 pm at night.

he went to the kitchen to cook something to eat until he got a notification that popped up on his screen.



should we go out now?

just the two of us?


its raining now ;-;

maybe tomorrow


aw. i got practice tomorrow

rip me


i'll come watch!


can i drop by your place?

i can bring pizza and coca cola




get ready with some movies ;)


i will! should i make something?


fried chicken??


that made me burn down the kitchen once nopeee


first of all, what the fuck and second ramyEON!


okii! hurry and come over idiot 


seungmin boiled the water and made his two bowls of spicy ramen which was hyunjin's favorite. he set the two bowls on the table in the living room and went through his hulu account for some movies.

he heard the bell ring after a few minutes and quickly opened the door. 

"hyunjinnie!" seungmin said and smiled, helping hyunjin bring in the pizza and the coke.

"did you choose a movie?" hyunjin asked, plopping on the couch next to seungmin, hugging him.

"nu~" seungmin said and pouted.

"its fine seungmin" hyunjin said and giggled, taking a slice of pizza and eating it happily.

"ish so gwood" seungmin said and ate his pizza.

"glad you like it" hyunjin said and laughed at seungmin enjoying the pizza and the soda.

hyunjin finally played a movie after looking for so long, with seungmin by his side, eating his ramen. after around an hour of watching movies and eating, seungmin fell asleep on hyunjin who was slurping on his ramen.

hyunjin looked down at his shoulder and smiled, turning off the movie and laying seungmin down on the couch. he threw out the trash and cleaned the living room up, then deciding to explore a bit of seungmin's apartment.

"he has such a nice and clean apartment" hyunjin muttered, walking into his room and stopping at what shocked him most.

"h-he likes day6??" hyunjin mumbled and looked at all the posters hung up in his room.

hyunjin knew he was being nosy so he went back out to the living room and sat down on the ground next to the couch.

the dark gloomy sky made it clear that it would rain or likely be a thunderstorm. the rain hit the window hard, making thumping sounds. a loud flashy strike, striked, making seungmin jump. he looked around and saw no one.

"h-hyunjinnie?" seungmin whimpered, curling up into a ball.

hyunjin quickly stood up and knelt down beside seungmin.

"hm? what is it?" hyunjin whispered, stroking seungmin's red hair and caressing his cheek.

"i-i'm s-scared" seungmin said and shivered at the thunder and lighting from outside shined through the window.

"don't be. hyunjinnie is here" hyunjin said and carried seungmin to his room, covering his slim body with a fluffy blanket.

hyunjin looked at seungmin who was quietly shaking and whimpering. seungmin grabbed hyunjin's hand and pulled him back.

"p-please s-stay" seungmin said and blushed, then whimpering from the loud sound.

"i will" hyunjin said and smiled, laying beside the younger and wrapping his arms around seungmin.

"thank you" seungmin muttered.

"authors note" 

ayo. wassup? 

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